Tuesday, October 14, 2008

<3 Commercail.

Can this commercial be any better?

Adam Savage <3


jessicaMichelle said...

haha i love this commercial, i first saw it a few weeks ago in toronto, and marcel and i were singing it allllllllll weekend,
plus bear grylls (L)
it's so catchy though

so how did you get the video to post, i've tried to from youtube before and it doesn't let me...can you help? PLEASE!

and it was nice to see you at westminster ponds of all places!! haha,,what are the odds...but too bad thanksgiving was so busy, you'll have to come home next time for longer..don't go back between so we can really catch up!

and ps, your dad was right, the colours back in the pond were GORGEOUS! omg.

Sarah Dee said...

I pretty much am only happy that I came home that weekend so I was able to see that commercial! That made my weekend!!!!
Yup they got all of the good people in there I love Adam Savage which might be a bit weird.

I just got the embedded link thing that they have at the side of the youtube video and pasted it in to my writing box.

I know Grant was like look it is Jessica and then I was just like HEY! Yup I always see you and Marcel at the craziest places! Yeah I wish that I had more time to see you and chat but next time we can do that. Next time or sometime when you go to TDot to vist Marcel you should go an extra day or take a day out of your visiting or just a night or something and come to Oakville on the Go train because it is only $6.00 each way so it is cheaper coming from tDot and if you are there anyways then it is not much of a hassle. Even if you just come from the night I can meet you at the station and we could go out for dindin or I can make dindin and have it at home but either way I would should you my casa.

Yea man you have to see our view from the apartment the forest is wonderful I shall take a picture and post it!

jessicaMichelle said...

thank you! i think i got it to work, yee-haw!!

and yah, a visit is needed..definitely!

jessicaMichelle said...

you should post the other version of this commercial too!

Sarah Dee said...

is that the one with Jay? Because I noticed that he was not on this one.